Home News Terrorists Flee Iza Camp After Aerial Bombardments

Terrorists Flee Iza Camp After Aerial Bombardments


The Boko Haram Terrorists (BHT) have abandoned their camp at Iza, Borno State and fled into Samba Forest after their location came under heavy air attacks by the Alpha Jets.

The success of the air attack paved way for the follow-up clearance operation by own troops of 121 Task Force Battalion who consolidated on the gains of the air strikes to flush out the remnants of BHT as well as destroyed their leftover camps. During the ground movement, the Mi-35 Helicopter gunships were overhead to provide Close Air Support for the advancing troops while the Beechcraft aircraft supported with Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance.


The combined air and land operation against the Boko Haram Sect was conducted during the early hours of yesterday 8 March 2016. The fall of Iza and its liberation by own troops further attests to the recent gains recorded by the military in the combined efforts to rid the Country of the menace posed by the religious sect.




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