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HomeHealthWhat Are You Doing To Curb The Epidemic? – Labour Party Challenges...

What Are You Doing To Curb The Epidemic? – Labour Party Challenges Sanwo-Olu Over Spread Of Cholera

The Labour Party (LP) in Lagos State has urged Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu to work hard and control the spread of Cholera in the state.

The opposition maintained that the government must give the epidemic the required emergency response.

Speaking via the State Publicity Secretary of the party, Olubunmi Odesanya on Friday in Lagos, LP lamented that it was unfortunate that the Babajide Sanwo-Olu government has not accorded the problem the kind of response it requires.

Odesanya said that the state must do everything possible to avoid needless deaths.

According to her, “Labour Party in Lagos State is calling to question the responsiveness of the state government to the current cholera epidemic in the state, the scourge is fast spiralling.

LP Lagos State is upset that the Babajide Sanwo-Olu government has not accorded the problem the kind of response it should.

So far ,the government has not done more than a mere issuance of advisory.


Has the government looked into the remote and direct cause of the disease with a view to abate the spread of the dreaded disease?Time for action is now.


The reported figure of deaths is over 40 and infection rate is about 400.”

According to her, residents cannot afford an uncontrolled spread of the epidemic as they are already grappling with many socio-economic problems.

The Labour Party in Lagos State has continued to watch with amazement the less-than-warm attitude and disposition of the state government to the issue.

To us in the Labour Party, it seems the state government does not appreciate the threats posed by the continued spread of the disease.

Rather than tackle this very serious matter frontally by activating the heath systems to tame the scourge, the best the Sanwo-Olu -led government has been able to do is to issue an ineffectual advisory, which has not ,in anyway, curbed the spread of the scourge,” she added.




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