According to The SUN, the man, Khaleed, later took as his father–his step dad, actually, is 77-year-old Mr. Philip Ajao, who is believed to be of Nigerian background.
The mother of the killer, Janet Ajao, spends her time listening to classical music with her husband, tending to her chickens and working on her crafts.
The SUN reports that Janet and her 77-year-old husband Philip, turned heads when they moved in as the first mixed-race marriage in the tiny village of Trelech, Carmarthenshire, population 745. The pair moved to the leafy village after bringing up their family in parts of south England.
Grey-haired Janet appeared briefly at the door while speaking to a uniformed officer yesterday.
A police source said: “She is too upset and adamant she won’t make any comment on anything at the moment.”
Janet and her husband Phillip — Masood’s stepdad — live in the village of Trelech in Welsh-speaking rural Carmarthenshire.
Officers said the search of their house has been “concluded” and say they have not seen Janet this morning.
Police say Janet told them she did not want them at the address and she “just wants to be left alone.”