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HomeNewsReigners church collapse CAN Commiserates with the Victims, the Bereaved and...

Reigners church collapse CAN Commiserates with the Victims, the Bereaved and Governor Udom

The leadership of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has commiserated with the people and the government of Akwa Ibom State on the tragedy that took place inside the Reigners Bible Church, Uyo at the weekend which led to the death of scores of the worshippers.

According to reports, the horrific incident happened during the ordination of the General Overseer of the church as a Bishop when the church roof under construction collapsed on the worshippers and guests including the state governor, Udom Emmanuel and several people died while many sustained injuries.

CAN in a press statement  signed by its General Secretary, Rev Dr Musa Asake, laments the disaster and tasked every Christian to identify with the victims through prayers, gifts and condolence visits.

“We identify with the victims of the tragedy, we pray for their quick recovery as we are asking God to console and comfort all the bereaved. It is very unfortunate that the devil struck when the whole world is getting ready for the celebration of the Birth of the Saviour, Jesus Christ, who came to destroy the work of the devil.

“We thank God that His Excellency, Governor Udom Emmanuel, who himself narrowly escaped with his life in the tragedy and we welcome his prompt intervention when he said the state government will hold an inquiry to investigate if anyone compromised building standards”.


CAN recalled the tragedies of building collapses being experienced in the country and called on the relevant agencies to rise up to the building disasters with a view to putting a permanent solution into them.


“It is no more news that buildings often collapse in the country as a result of contractors using sub-standard materials coupled with lack of building approvals or a thorough supervision by the relevant agencies.

“We call on the Society of Engineers and other relevant bodies to rise up to the menace of building with sub-standard materials in Nigeria which have led to demise of thousands of innocent people. Until severe sanctioned are met on those who are responsible, they may not be able to stop their satanic antics.”

CAN which appeals to Christians all over the world to join “us in praying for the victims and the bereaved of the disaster” also prayed for the leadership of the church for the grace to overcome the unfortunate incident.

The statement, signed by the General Secretary of the body, Rev Dr Musa Asake, also advises churches to discourage the idea of holding worship service inside a building under construction to avoid a repeat of the avoidable tragedy.




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