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HomeNewsTwo MOPOL shot dead in Warri

Two MOPOL shot dead in Warri

Three persons were Monday killed in two separate incidences within the Warri metropolis; two policemen shot dead by unidentified gunmen and a suspected armed robber roasted by an angry mob.

The Nation reports that the two policemen, who were dressed in mufti, were shot dead at the Airport Junction roundabout at about 1:PM. Eyewitnesses said they had stopped by a roadside mobile phone seller stand, reportedly pricing a phone.

“The two guys stood over there, pricing phones, all of a sudden, a vehicle pulled up behind them and some guys, about two of them, just came out of the vehicle and opened fire on the two of them. The killers zoomed off as soon as they had brought their targets down. It was like they trailed them to that point.

“Initially, everybody scampered away from the whole area at hearing the gun sound, but by the time the tension was going down and people ran back to the spot, we discussed that one of them was still alive. We later realised they were MOPOL men because we saw the ID card of the dead victim,” Mr Ahmed, one of the eyewitnesses told the Nation.

Confirming the incident, the spokesperson of the Delta state police command, Celestina Kalu (DSP), said the victims in the shooting were mobile policemen from 27 PMF, Katsina, attached to the Joint Task Force (JTF) in Warri.

Giving the names of the two deceased policemen as Cpl Usman Ango and Cpl Usman Adamu, Kalu described the incident as armed robbery, adding that the state’s police command had commenced investigation into the matter.

“Today 9/5/2016, at about 1400hrs, information was received that about three hoodlums had attacked two men near Our Lady High School, by the Airport Road Junction, Warri. A team of patrol went to the scene and found one dead at the spot, took photographs and evacuated the corpse to the Central Hospital mortuary, Warri, for autopsy. The second victim was later confirmed dead at the hospital.

“It was later discovered that the two victims were mobile policemen from 27PMF, Katsina, attached to the JTF in Warri. They were identified by the JTF commander as F/No 247552, Cpl Usman Ango and F/No 265569, Cpl uIsman Adamu. According to the JTF commander, the two corporals took permission to go and collect money at the bank on mufti, without their arms.


“Investigation is in progress, effort is being made to arrest the fleeing culprits”, she said in a brief message.


Meanwhile, in the earlier hours of yesterday, a mob of angry residents of Warri burnt a suspected armed robber, who was simply identified as Emma Blues.

He was reportedly taken from one of the streets in the Marine Quarters, beaten to death by the First Marine Gate Junction along the Warri/Sapele Road, where his corpse was burnt.

Although there were many stories to why he was lynched, all depicting him as a very notorious and bloodthirsty criminal, the most recent seemed to be about a man from whom he had allegedly collected about N500, 000 at gun point Monday.

”The boy’s name is Emma Blue, he is a notorious criminal in this area, he has been arrested several times and released by the police. This time around he went to rob and was caught in the process. They should continue to burn them to serve as deterrent to others,” one of the eyewitnesses said.

When reached for confirmation on the development, police spokesperson, Kalu (DSP) said the police got the information late and that by the time the command’s personnel got to the scene, the mob had dispersed.

“Investigation has commenced on the matter,” she assured.




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