Home News Security Confusion as explosion rocks Dumez Street in Benin

Confusion as explosion rocks Dumez Street in Benin


There was confusion at Dumez Street, off Benin-Auchi Road, Eyean, following an early morning explosion that rocked the area.

It was gathered that the explosion occurred at No 4, Dumez Street while its devastating impacts were visible on about six houses in the area.

When our correspondent visited the scene, the operatives of the Nigeria Police were already on ground to ascertain the cause of the explosion.

One of the landlords, Pastor David Iginua, whose house was affected by the explosion, said he heard a very loud blast that early morning of Friday and he decided to go out to find out what it was all about.

He said to his bewilderment, he saw the glasses of the windows of his building all shattered on the floor.

“I am Pastor David Iginua and my house is on 42, Arete Street, off Benin-Auchi road, Eyaen, which is just behind where the explosion took place.

“As I sat there, all of a sudden, I heard a terrific sound. I looked, ran inside, I didn’t see what happened.

“But later I had to come outside to see what happened.

“So I started looking for where the sound came from but just to discover that a heavy smoke was coming out from one man’s compound.

“From the rumours we are hearing, the man used to manufacture bombs.

“And it is like he tested it inside his well. Assuming he brought it out, it would have finished the community.

“The way this house shook, everybody came out to say how their houses shook,” he said.


Another landlord who lives on No 3, Dumez Street, just a building from where the explosion took place, said the explosion shook the very foundation of his storey building while broken glasses from the windows were visible everywhere.


Another resident of the area who did not want his name in print said the community before now, had been very peaceful, adding that the man who live in the premises where the explosion took place had been handed over to the police.

“I am one of the persons living in this area. It was around 9am yesterday Good Friday; we heard a very loud explosion – bomb.

“So we decided to rush to the scene and getting there, we saw smoke coming out from the well.

“So, in that compound, there is a well. So, we then asked the boy we met there what the problem was. He said he didn’t know.

“Upon all the investigation carried out by the people of the community, we were only able to see that six houses were affected including his.

“So when we moved round, we saw that the glasses of the windows were shattered.

“We have informed the Aduwawa police station and they came, inspected the place and took away what they wanted and arrested the boy and as we speak, the boy is still with the police at the police station.

“This very morning, the anti-bomb squad also came including Wabaizighan. The area is calm as far as we are concerned.

“No life was lost in the process and we have not experienced such a thing in this area before. This place is very peaceful”, he said.

When contacted, Edo State Commissioner of Police, Lawan Jimeta, said investigation into the incident was on.

‎Recall that at the height of the political tension in the state the residence of a chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Chief Francis Inegbeneki in Benin City, was attacked with substances believed to be explosives; the chambers of former Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice in the state, Hon. Henry Idahagbon was attacked by suspected gunmen, just as the residence of the state secretary of the party, Lawrence Okah, was also attacked with explosives.




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