The beginning of sorrows for those who would never listen. I remember years ago that Nospecto followed this same path by first telling her members that their monies were safe and that business will continue after the turbulence but it was never going to be – the aftermath was suicides, heart attacks and violent quarrels among members and the company owners.
Same is now happening to the popular money making scheme, Mavrodi Mundial Moneybox, has placed a one-month freeze on all withdrawals from the scheme starting from December 13.
A letter displayed on the pages of participants of the scheme cited “heavy workload on system” as reason for the freeze.
This means that members of the ponzi scheme, who are due to withdraw both their capital and 30 per cent return on investments, will no longer be able to do so until sometime in January 2017.
According to the letter, the freeze on withdrawals is partly due to negative reports by the media on the scheme.
The letter reads in part: “One-month Freezing of Confirmed Mavros.
“Dear members, as usual in the New Year season, the system is experiencing heavy workload. Moreover, it has to deal with the constant frenzy provoked by authorities in the mass media.
“The things are still going well; the participants feel calm; everyone gets paid, as you can see, there haven’t been any payment delays or other problems yet, but! is better to avoid taking risk. Moreover, there are just three weeks left to the New Year.
“On the basis of the above mentioned, therefore, all confirmed Mavros will be frozen for a month.
“The reason for this measure is evident. We need to prevent any problems during the New Year and then, when everything calms down; this measure will be cancelled, which we will definitely do.
“We hope for your understanding.”
The question MMMers should ask is why were their accounts frozen since they claim they were out to help the poor? When does the poor need all the money if not this Yuletide period? Is MMM aware of how many people that are planning to buy cars, build houses etc this season with their 30% only for their accounts to be frozen? Truth be told, information has it that EFCC in conjunction with FBI are after the proponents of MMM Nigeria and have set December 14 as the target date to shut down MMM Nigeria. So Mavrodi is only being pro-active so as not to lose everything. I DOUBT IF MMMers will ever get anything after this exercise. May be he will borrow 30% of all the members’ investments from CBN sha.
Below are comments online
Epsilon_Delta Titanium Tj • 17 minutes ago It has crashed! If they can’t withstand the xmas pressure, by January their problems will be multiplied. Everyone would want their money back and people won’t be providing help.
Femi O Manny • 22 minutes ago May God give you the fortitude to bear the loss. continue to stand when you are tired you go sidon. sorry o.
Mamudu Ibrahim Kasim Manny • 14 minutes ago I dey laugh.
Mamudu Ibrahim Kasim • 12 minutes ago MMM aka MUMU MUST BE MUMU about to crash. MUMU when will u lean that this was just to “Rob Peter to pay Paul”
B? • 33 minutes ago Why will problem not mount? When MUMU can not afford to pay MUNGU any longer: the problem will not only mount, it will be mountain mavro.The Man @Mrjemba
I TOLD YOU SO! I TOLD YOU SO! I TOLD YOU SO! I TOLD YOU SO! I TOLD YOU SO! Come and beat me if you hate being told so. #MMMNigeriaBunmi Aweda @bumsshaker
Fellow MMM Nigeria investors: godliness with contentment is great gain. Hope y’all made profits? #mmmpays #mmmnigeria
11:12 AM – 13 Dec 2016Mallam Adamu Hayatu™ @AHayatu
One faceless Mavrodi who has no known address “eloped” with your money but it’s Buhari you are blaming? #mmmnigeriaokunomo @kellyymdaboss
@MMMNigeriaHelp @PrinceofSydney and you are seriously mad without having anyone to tell you, people need money for xmas yet u saying rubbishThankGod Ukachukwu @tksilicon
@eyiteeonline @MMMNigeriaHelp I can see MMM agents on the prowl! @YomiShogunle @officialEFCCÈyítáyò Gamaliel @eyiteeonline
@tksilicon @MMMNigeriaHelp people have been warned even by the govt cos they are not monitored or regulated. Your tracking won’t help